What Are the Warning Signs of a Clogged Sewer Line?

 You must surely be working hard to maintain your bathroom and kitchen drains in a clean condition. But, still, then, the clogs can happen at any part of your plumbing which includes the primary sewer line as well. These clogs are often hidden and very tough to detect. The obstructs that are caused can create a lot of problems and threats to your property eventually affecting many appliances and rooms in your home. 

Luckily, the experienced and best plumbers Canberra should not have trouble in identifying a clog by using a specialized video imaging technique. The trick in this is to notice any kind of clog before this causes any a nasty backflow, bad odour or any other issue.

Here are the commonest warning signs that indicate that you might suspect a clog in the property’s sewer line.

1.   Accumulation of water backup in the interior drains – One amongst the primary symptoms indicating a clogged sewer line system is the occurrence of certain issues with various interior fixtures. The trouble would manifest as water getting backed up near the interior drains. You may specifically notice water getting backed up near the interior drains whenever you use the plumbing. The backflow might occur in your shower while you flush your toilet. This usually means that water which would have generally drained away does not find a proper route out of the house & thus accumulate near your drains. Under such circumstances, the best blocked drains plumbers in Canberra would be able to resolve this issue.

2.   Accumulation of drained water in the vicinity of sewer cleanout – Most of the sewer lines are equipped with a ‘cleanout’ which is basically a pipe that gives the plumbers direct access in reaching the sewer line and also allows the overflow of the wastewater specifically and not the sewage. The provision of cleanout is usually made of white or black pipe inside your property but usually concealed. Most of these cleanouts are placed in bush patches and so they do not create eyesores as well. If you visibly notice some kind of pooling near the cleanout, then there is a strong chance of developing an obstruction in the sewage mainline. The best plumbers in Canberra can check the situation and do the needful to fix the issue.

3.   Trees which are overgrown in the yard – Besides certain foreign objects which are flushed down the passage of the toilet, the intrusive tree routes can happen to be the most probable obstruction to the sewer lines. If you are visibly noticing some symptoms and if you do have even a single tree or multiple large trees in your yard, then there are high chances that the roots of the trees intrude into your sewer plumbing. As soon as you suspect this, you should get it checked by one of the best plumbers Canberra and they would handle the issue with expertise and fix them.

Bottom line

For protecting your property’s sewage system, you should necessarily take a note of the above-discussed warning signs. In case you notice the combination of any of these symptoms that are listed above, then you should contact one of the best plumbers Canberra for investigating the same and finding a solution. 


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